A Grave Warning!

The Reality of Our Times. A New World Order.

By Doug VanderVelde

Two years ago, if I would have told you that the government would force you to wear a mask over your face, force you to close your businesses and schools, and force you to inject yourselves with an experimental unproven new drug every few months, you would have said I was crazy. Many people actually did say “this could never happen in Canada”. 

Two years later, I am the new filthy diseased Jew. Expelled from businesses, employment, family, friends. 

Are you on the right side of History?

These are Historic Times. Bigger than any event of the last several centuries. We must understand the gravity of our situation. What we are facing as a society. We must not get distracted by the little things, but try to see the big picture.

About five percent of us see Reality very clearly. I estimate that about 2 million Canadians (out of 38 million) are fighting  against a great deception. Most people are either oblivious, willfully blind, or just starting to get the feeling something is very, very wrong. (The five percent are organizing, forming networks, distributing information, protesting, launching legal action, going underground. We even have underground Barbers and medicines. Lol.)

Every fact presented below can be easily researched and verified. People must make an effort to look at what is right in front of them with an open mind and a new perspective. The information below is meant just as a starting point. It is meant as a counter to the Propaganda Narrative that has taken hostage of our collective minds. It is meant to expose the Spiritual Battle as much as a Physical one. It is meant to expose the Mass Psychosis that has infiltrated our lives since birth. It is meant as a Red Pill. (Note: Do NOT use Google, Yahoo, FaceBook, Main Stream News Media, or YouTube. See footnote)

World War III

We are currently in a World Civil War. World War III. A war like no other.

There has yet to be armed conflict, other than the perpetual Left-Wing Riots that plagued the USA, or the Police/Military forces against the huge Protests occurring continually across the world.

Australia against peaceful protestors.

Hillary Clinton most likely would have started a war with Russia if she would have won the election (she said as much in the campaign). Instead President Trump changed the direction of the US Military, and teamed up with Russia to conquer Obama’s Mercenary troops that were invading Syria. (Yes, the Syrian war was a US Invasion of a sovereign country. Russia was intervening on behalf of Syria to counter the US offensive which was funding, training, and providing air support for Mercenary Forces shipped in from Iraq and elsewhere). Clinton threatened to shoot down Russian fighter jets that were helping the Syrian People. Before the US intervention, Syria was the most peaceful place in the Middle East with Shia, Sunni, Alawite, Christian, Yazidis, living relatively peacefully together. Thousands were killed in the war as Syria was put under a four year siege. And Christians, in the world’s oldest Christian Communities, were butchered while trapped there by the Western governments. 

Hillary Clinton was supposed to be the designated President for the global Elites. The reason so much energy was devoted to destroying the Trump Presidency was because he threw a big wrench into the plans of the globalist forces; starting with stopping the Russian/Syrian war. And he also ended Obama’s reign of terror, who oversaw seven wars against sovereign Nations.

The Global Elite have much power over Elections in the world. They use the CIA and Media to influence people. They pile money into strategic areas (like funding/buying a candidate). And they own the voting machines (used in the US and in some Canadian Elections). Note: the biggest voting machine company, Dominion, is headquartered in Toronto, and shares an office with a George Soros organization (NGO).

The day after the 2016 election, magazines were already on the News Stands proclaiming Clinton as the new US President. They were so confident the election was fixed, Clinton did not have a concession speech prepared. Instead, the next day she showed up to speak, all dressed in bright purple; signifying the start of the Purple Colour Revolution (to take back power for the Elites).

What is happening to our society today is not because of Covid, and not because of Global Warming, and not because of Refugee Crisis, and not because of Supply Chain Crisis. These are merely weapons being used against us.

To better understand our hidden enemies, we can look back at History: Germany was broke and in despair after the First World War. In just a few short years after, how did Hitler fund the most amazing army the world had ever seen? Where did he get the money? Why did his Tanks have Ford Engines? Why did Main Stream Media, like Time Magazine, praise Hitler (they voted him Man of The Year)? Why did Jewish Owned Newspapers downplay or ignore the Holocaust of their own people (Like the NY Times)?

The rich elite families who funded and supported Hitler, are the same families that exist today. And they, as they did back then, control the World Monetary Supply. They are the same families that control the News Media. Control the Politicians. Control the Judiciary. It has been 80 years since the end of the Second World War, when the rich Global Elites used Hitler to attempt Global Fascism. But - did the war really end? The CIA gave plenty of Nazi Leaders and Scientists new identity and settled them in America. One of the most influential rich global elite is George Soros (92yrs old), a former WW2 Nazi, who has his fingers on many politicians and judges; including Trudeau and Freeland in Canada. None of the families who funded Hitler ever saw prosecution.

Power = Money

The turmoil that exists in the world right now, economically, socially, and medically, revolves around Central Banking and the Global Monetary Supply. There is a fight for power. A No-Holds-Barred fight for power. 

Everything is about “””Central Banking”””!

Have you noticed that Western Governments around the world no longer care how much money they spend? No longer care how big their debts and deficits are? No longer care how much money they individually print for their countries? They are unconcerned of the inflation they are causing. They do not speak of the personal wealth erosion they cause. Or that we are currently witnessing the biggest transfer of wealth in history from the middle class to Rich Elites. Have you seen any of that in the news lately? (Note: both Covid and Global Warming has given politicians a convenient excuse)

The Reserve Currency of the World is the USA Dollar. Most other currencies are tied to the US dollar. The US Dollar is a “Federal Reserve Note”. It signifies a debt to the “Private” Federal Reserve. (Yes - “Private” Bank. It is owned by approximately thirteen very wealthy families.) The Private Federal Reserve prints money and gives that to governments while charging the governments interest for the money. It is a Fiat Monetary System that is no longer tied to gold or anything else tangible. The US dollar is loosely tied to the oil commodity and oil trading is a means of distributing the US dollar to the world. The Federal Reserve acts in cooperation with the Middle East Oil Powers, and ALL oil is traded in US Dollars. (If a country tries to trade oil for something else, like gold for instance, they end up like Gaddafi and Libya, which have been completely destroyed by the US. Or like Syria. Or like Iraq. Etc.). In return for Middle East Cooperation, the US Government supplies military support to Middle Eastern Nations; explaining the perpetual wars in the Middle East, and the huge number of US Military bases there.

Translation: (Latin) “One from many. He approves of our undertakings. A New Order of The Ages.” (“He”, the all-seeing eye, is not to represent God btw. But who?)

A Fiat Monetary System is a house of cards. At some point the levels of debt get unsustainable and the system will crash. There is nothing to back it up. It relies on the perception of stability. A typical Fiat Cycle is 60 to 80 years. Currently we are at the end of this cycle. The Fiat System must be replaced with something else. It is about to implode.

The New World Order

Enter - “The Great  Reset”. Politicians around the world and World Economic Forum leader Klaus Schwab (a Rothchild) have been pushing “The Great Reset” for years now. They say “Covid has provided a Unique Opportunity to build the economy back better”. Also “To combat Global Warming, we must make major changes to all the World Economies”. Klaus Schwab has written a book on the subject. It is the main topic at the Annual World Economic Forum. The future of our economies as envisioned by the most powerful people in the world has not been a secret. Most people simply ignore the draconian plans they have for us. (The Plan: One World Government, Central Digital Currency, Open Borders, and Fascism). Remember when Trudeau talked about Canada as a “Post-Nation State”? He said Canada has no identity. The New World Order was what he was referring to. That idiot believes Canada is the model country for the NWO. 

Klaus Schwab, Leader World Economic Forum, the New Karl Marx “You will own nothing. And you will be happy about it.”

The Great Reset is not some far off fantasy. It is developing right now; with full implementation by 2030. Look up United Nations Agenda 2030.

The Great Reset is also referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In Canada, Elite Central Banker, Mark Carney, is posed to play an important role in our direction (Maybe the next PM?). Carney has been a proponent of the “Great Reset” which says that the crisis caused by COVID pandemic provides a once in a life time opportunity to not just regulate climate but to provide a more diverse and inclusive world. Carney draws his inspiration from, among others, Marx, Engels, Lenin (surely this is a concern!) However, Carney acknowledges that the lives of ordinary people will be actually worse under the fourth industrial revolution. Carney is a Central Banker who is anti-capitalism, and blames the evils of capitalism for climate change (at least publicly, but probably not, of course, in practice.)

A new World Monetary System is a necessity as our old Central Banking System is rapidly failing. The conflict is: 

What will it be? 

And who will control it?

Currently the options are:

  • Central Bank Digital World Currency

  • Gold and Silver

  • Decentralized Crypto Currency

Central Bankers and the Elite Ruling Class Families MUST implement a Central Digital Currency if they are to maintain their power. And with a Digital Currency that they control, they will have complete power over every person on the planet. Digitally they will track and control every purchase you make, the access to your bank account, and the ability to even participate in commerce. Today we see governments trying to impose unconstitutional fines on citizens for things like leaving their homes while under Covid Curfews. With a digital currency they will simply instantaneously withdraw the fine from your bank accounts. And they will automatically be notified when you leave your home (and you can’t just leave your phone behind, because the phone will not be your chain). Some may say, there are laws for that. I say “there used to be laws for that”.

Gaddafi in Libya tried to break the chains of the Central Banking Cartel and switch his economy to a Gold Backed system, free of the Central Banks. The US killed Gaddafi, demonized him, stole all the gold, and destroyed the country. Libya is now the gateway of the refugee crisis, full of criminal syndicates, leaderless, impoverished, and the hub of the Human Slave Trade.

Global Monetary Trader, and International Crook, George Soros stated that China will play an important role in a new world economy. It should be obvious to many that the Rich Elites have been, for years, priming China as their next base of operations. China is already conveniently Communist. And this would allow the Elites to simply destroy the USA, and start over in a country where the people are used to not being free.

How will the Global Elite Bankers implement a One World Digital Currency? Simple. Debt Forgiveness. They intend to crash our economies, use hyper inflation to eliminate wealth, and raise interest rates. People will not be able to service the mountainous debt most of us are under. Regardless, every country now has huge debt obligations. Even a small rise in interest will result in most tax revenue being used to support the interest payments. The economy will be in such a shambles; the people’s situations so dire, the Elite Central Bankers will simply walk in like a saviour and offer their new monetary system. And people will be glad to have it. Debt forgiveness in exchange for One World Government, and a Global Digital Currency. As Klaus Schwab says “You will own nothing, and you will be happy abut that.”

The biggest threat to the Central Banks today is Crypto Currency. It is a digital currency that is de-centralized and relies on Block-Chain Technology to provide a secure and completely independent trading platform. Crypto Currency is controlled by nobody. It is truly the currency of the people. And it allows for pure capitalism (the trading system of the people).

And there we have the root of the Global Civil War.

In summary - the people are rising against the rich Ruling Class Elites with their own currency, and also, thanks to social media, with their own ability to produce news, information, and entertainment. 

We have also discovered that the people can organize together to combat stock market manipulation. Everything about our current stock market is rigged. When a group of amateur basement traders recently noticed that Hedge Funds had shorted certain stocks, including as much as 3x the amount of stocks even available to trade, the traders got together and started buying to drive the stock price up. Everyone was buying little bits, but together they managed to raise the price enough that the rich Hedge-funds could not get rid of their short positions. They ended up needing to get bailed out, costing the Hedge-funds billions of dollars. And making many of the basement traders rich. To this day, there are certain stocks that are stuck at huge values because short sellers are trapped, and the amateur traders refuse to sell. Of course the Hedge Funds game was to drive the company into bankruptcy. But the amateur traders saved the company and put new value into it.

Ronald Reagan: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children what it was once like in the United States when men were free.”

The Spiritual Battle

Money and Information are the two big sources of power in this world. Of course God is the big Spiritual Force surrounding this world. And that brings us to the Spiritual Battle.

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen once said:

“It is a characteristic of any decaying civilization that the great masses of the people are unaware of the tragedy. Humanity in a crisis is generally insensitive to the gravity of the times in which it lives. Men do not want to believe their own times are wicked, partly because they have no standard outside of themselves by which to measure their times. If there is no fixed concept of justice, how shall men know it is violated? Only those who live by faith really know what is happening in the world; the great masses without faith are unconscious of the destructive processes going on, because they have lost the vision of the heights from which they have fallen.”

In a world that has quickly eliminated God over the last five decades, we find ourselves, not only apathetic about our freedoms, but completely distant of God’s devine vision, direction, and protection. And “In the absence of light, darkness will rein. In the absence of heat, cold will prevail. In the absence of God, evil will flourish.”(Paraphrased Albert Einstein)

Romans 1 reflects exactly on the Western Society of our time.

For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for idols. 24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator., Romans 1:21

Now - with wide spread, and largely accepted evil flourishing in our modern society, just about any kind of depravity is possible. And Mark Twain’s famous quote has never been more applicable “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them that they are being fooled.”


Make no mistake, that the “Great Reset”, “Fourth Industrial Revolution”, or “The New World Order”, is all revolving around “”Global Fascism””.

“Fascism”, despite what the Media or Academia may tell you, is simply this:

Fascism is the collusion of Big Corporations (Oligarchs) and Big Central Government to form a Tyranny over the people.

Fascism is similar to Communism, but differs in that Communism is Central Government Control over Society AND all Commerce.

Socialism is simply a gateway to both of those. I have heard some people say that Jesus was a Socialist. However, God is a God of Free Will. God is a God of the Individual; not a collective. God is a God of Individual Liberty, Capitalism (the only free trading system), and Community. (Our morals and laws are provided to us Divinely, and Scripturally). God does not want His people to be Slaves or Automatons. God wants us to be obedient to Him; but with the free will to choose.

Fascism and Communism are replacements for God. They are the Devil’s systems. Men trade their God given freedom, autonomy, and responsibility, for the comfort of a group and the direction from earthly leaders. They shift their responsibilities onto others. Their faith is transferred from God, to that of men. Government becomes their Idol. Man becomes the saviour of the world. Man’s new religion has become Humanism. 

Centralization of Power

Fascism requires Centralized Power. And this is an alarming trend in our modern world. 

In the medical world, the World Health Organization (WHO) dictates what vaccines are approved in Canada. The WHO does not approve vaccines, so why does Canada use the WHO recommendations? The WHO has power over the Canadian Medical Industry. And there is one person who has power over the WHO - Bill Gates. Centralization.

Canadian Doctors no longer use their own medical judgement, but are forced to comply with the Canadian Medical Associations directives. Canadian Doctors will not prescribe readily available, safe and effective Covid Treatment drugs because the Canadian Medical Association has told them not to. They have also instructed Doctors not to write any Medical Exemptions to the Experimental mRNA drugs. They are forced to recommend everyone take the experimental mRNA “Vaccine” no matter what a patient’s situation or no matter the harmful side-effects that might affect a particular patient. My Doctor agreed that my personal medical situation would bring increased risks of Cancer or clots from the mRNA vaccine. However, she refused to write a Medical Exemption. Said I should try to find, if possible, a AstraZenica Shot instead (which were already eliminated in Canada due to side-effect concerns)??? And my Doctor refused to prescribe me any of the AntiVirals I could use in case my unvaccinated self did catch Covid. All of this was as directed to the Doctor by the Canadian Medical Association - a Central Governing Body that seems to have tied the hands of Doctors from using their own training and experience when treating their patients. These actions are unprecedented. Until now. 

Because of centralization, life saving drugs  to treat Covid were banned. From near the beginning, many people lost their lives that could have been saved by the drugs readily available on the market. Also, high risk people were needlessly injured or killed by the vaccine. Any Doctor who recommended mRNA drugs to patients with heart issues or circulatory issues, is grossly negligent IMO. But then they can just throw up their hands and fall back on the mandated direction they were given. Why stick their necks out and uphold their oath of profession?

Medical Associations across the world are taking direction from the World Health Association. It is why there is a unified front against cheap effective therapeutic drugs, and in favour of highly experimental mRNA drugs. And, as we previously mentioned, who controls the WHO? Bill Gates. He is the largest funder of the World Health Organization. And that has enabled him to control much of the global medical industry. And Big Pharma.

Most major corporations in the world are now controlled by three companies. Vanguard, Blackrock, and Statestreet. These are massive holding companies that own major shares in all the major companies. If you think Pepsi and Coke are competitors? Think again. They are both controlled by Blackrock.

Ever wonder how the Main Stream News Media puts out such a uniform message across the globe? Or how fake news becomes reality because it receives blanket news coverage from most networks? Blackrock now controls most of the News Media in the Western World. There are really only five major owners of News Media. All controlled by Blackrock.

Blackrock is now busy buying up complete neighbourhoods of single family homes. They are paying premiums and are driving regular folks out of the market. Bill Gates has been quietly buying up farm land. He is now the biggest land owner in the USA. (What do rich people do when they know the money supply is about to crash? Buy Hard Assets! Like land.


Censorship is a big part of our battle. Freedom of speech is a fundamental right in all Western Nations. Not anymore. Our ideas and information are actively being banned from social media and other areas of our lives. If we go against the narrative, we are personally cancelled. Can you imagine if Bell Telephone came to your house and cut the phone lines because it didn’t like what you were saying to your friends? That is exactly what is happening with social media platforms, by the tyrants who control them.

It has become obvious that Social Media was invented as a means to keep track of and control people. No, again it was not some geeky college kid who invented the popular Social Media Platforms. The rich elites (and CIA/DARPA) who funded the projects probably did not anticipate that the people would use social media to our advantage. They were caught with their pants down. Social Media became the modern day underground printing press. It enabled us to get our message out to millions of people thru massive online networking. We could easily research and share information. And we could counter the Main Stream Media’s fake propaganda narrative.

Today the Rich Elites are desperately trying to get back control of the internet. They censor people routinely. Delete or restrict information. They put out alternate narrative as “fact-checks”. They even banned the President of the USA. Censored the President of the World’s most powerful nation!! Maybe you think that was a good idea? Or that it is funny? But this should be scaring the pants off you. If they can censor the US President, they can censor everybody. “”You”” no longer have a voice.

Note - when the people got together and created competing social media platforms, rich giants like Amazon, Google, and Apple managed to get the platform shut-down, because they controlled some of the critical Internet infrastructure. This is about the same as Bell Telephone blowing up Rogers Headquarters.

There has never been a topic more censored than the Covid virus. If you are to post anything, even remotely against the official Covid narrative and Covid Vaccine narrative, your information is deleted and you are generally suspended. This included publishing official VAERS vaccine injury/death data, and personal accounts of vaccine injuries.

Alternate News and popular spokespeople are the hardest hit. Many of these have been completely shut down. Even private web sites have been removed. Also, where once alternative voices could make revenue from their work, the Tech Tyrants managed to demonetize their sites. Even PayPal was in on the action, banning people from electronic commerce. This all is certainly a warning of things to come. It is 1984, today.

I am personally being censored routinely. I can barely post anything on FaceBook without being suspended. My information is routinely deleted. I am Shadow Banned. My information is withheld from most people’s News Streams. Groups I follow never show up on my News Feeds. And I am forced to use a number of alias accounts. We have had to learn ways to get around the censorship. However, Social Media Tyrants are very good at detecting our tricks and quickly shut down all our new efforts. The question you should be asking is - Why?


Covid is real. And it can be dangerous. It can, and has, killed.

On October 18, 2019, just a few months before Covid19, Bill Gates hosted Event 201. Event 201 was a high level global exercise that “simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community”

Interestingly, Covid is said to originate from Wuhan, China. Originally thought to have started in a meat market. However, in the same neighbourhood, there exists a Level 4 BioHazard Research Lab that specializes in Corona Viruses. Their research includes Bat Corona Viruses, and manufacturing Corona Viruses derived from Bats.

More interesting is that the Wuhan Lab was developed and funded by Western Researchers & Corporations. Companies in the US got in trouble when it was discovered that they were creating and patenting corona viruses. They were ordered to stop this dangerous and unethical research. Instead, they went against the law, and they moved their operations to Wuhan, and continued to fund the creation of corona viruses. Specifically, they were taking viruses from Bats and tried to modify the viruses so that they would be able to infect humans. The research was to develop bioweapon viruses. Anthony Fauci, the Director of the NIH, has been caught lying about the “gain of function” research he was funding with US taxpayer money (Bat Viruses modified to infect humans).. Bill Gates owns patents on Corona Viruses (man-made viruses). Sadly the Chinese Military was also involved in creating Bioweapons in the Wuhan lab. If one follows the patent record, Covid 19 has components that are previously patented.

Canadian Researchers were also embroiled in this. Canada’s Level 4 Biolab is located in Winnepeg. Recently two Chinese Canadian Scientists were escorted out of the facility by CSIS, allegedly for sending lethal disease samples to China. It was also said that they employed nine Chinese spies as assistants. Currently Justin Trudeau is doing everything he can to keep the details of what happened in the Winnipeg Lab a secret. He cites National Security as the excuse to keep us all in the dark. Trudeau even went to court to block any information from being released.

From my friend, and master researcher on the medical world; especially medical malpractice, Mel: “Dr. Shankara Chetty provides very accurate commentary on the real story of Covid. “Thousands of scientists worldwide agree that: a) SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is a bioweapon; b) because SARS-CoV-2 pathogen has never been clinically isolated, there is no proof it is a virus; c) the pathogen is - actually - a vector designed to deliver the potentially lethal spike protein throughout a persons lymphatic system, organs, and, ultimately, across the blood / brain barrier.”” (See article link below).

Covid was released just prior to the 2020 US Presidential Elections. (As Trump was unstoppable at the time, many of us were expecting a big event such as a War, or something like this global virus). It served as a major distraction to the News Cycle, and to the Economy (which, after Trump successfully built up, it suddenly crashed with business closures, travel restrictions, and societal upheaval). It also provided an excuse to change laws and rules surrounding the US Federal Election. Mail-In Ballots were implemented in many States and Timeline concessions were often added. On Election day, independent observers were often banned from the vote count because of Covid rules. Etc. Election integrity was severely weakened in many States. And Big Tech moved in to dominate the election infrastructure with Mark Zuckerberg (FaceBook) using $500 million of his own money to install his own people and systems. This was more money than the government spends on election infrastructure. They used Covid as an excuse to install drop boxes in Democrat areas to make it easier for Democrats to vote. And they controlled all these Mail-In ballots. Social Media Tyrants also launched a huge election campaign in favour of Biden and censored information favouring Trump. And of course they spread false information to smear Trump. Artificial intelligence, social engineering, and Bots were used on social media to sway people’s opinions. They say this potentially affected a significant percentage of the vote. The big Tech Tyrants would later go on to brag about how they “Fortified the Election” and stopped Trump from being re-elected.

As mentioned, Covid also caused a huge transfer of wealth from the middle class to the super rich. It caused many small businesses to go under, while big business flourished and made record profits. Billionaires became Trillionaires. It also caused governments to take on huge levels of debt to pay for their Covid Programs and to make up for lost tax revenue.

Covid was very real, but so was the propaganda surrounding it. CNN instantly added a “death toll ticker” 24/7 to the top of their news broadcasts. All of the news became about Covid and the death count. Also, overwhelmed hospitals, drastically increasing case numbers, etc. The News Narrative was pushing “Fear”. 

The CDC later admitted that the death toll numbers were really only 6% of that reported. It became apparent that hospitals were reporting any death as a Covid death. Someone who died in a motorcycle crash was reported as a Covid death. Also, the flu mysteriously disappeared. It seems the thousands of typical flu deaths were also reported as Covid.

There was a huge push for testing. The PCR Test was the Gold Standard. However, even the inventor of the test said it should not be used to diagnose Covid. Most experts agreed that using a PCR Test with high levels of Amplification produced many false positives. Most experts agreed that the Amplification Cycles should be kept below 20. Even Dr. Fauci (NIH Director) said anything above 35 Cycles produced garbage results. But here in Ontario (and in most other places), the PCR Test was run at 40 to 45 cycles. They also started the lie of Asymptomatic Disease, and most Nations started pushing testing on the healthy people. In Ontario, the School Boards sent home notices asking parents to test themselves and their children when they are healthy.

The more tests. The more false positives. The more cases.

After the vaccination program was started in the US, many vaccinated people were still testing positive for Covid. President Biden fixed this by lowering the PCR Amplification Cycle to 20 (from 40) for people who had received a vaccination. Everyone else stayed at 40. 

When the death toll numbers from Covid were not that spectacular, the News Networks switched to reporting on Case Numbers. With all the false positives due to the fraudulent test, the Case Numbers provided the dramatic results to increase the level of fear in the masses.

The CDC later admitted that the PCR test could not distinguish between Covid, the flu, or the common cold. (Some may have wondered why the flu just disappeared in 2020?)  It may also be picking up old infections from years past. December 31, 2021 was set as the date the PCR Test would be pulled; giving time for someone to develop and accurate test to replace it. (Yet this was largely ignored and PCR Testing continued - driving case number which resulted in more lockdowns and restrictions.)

This is all very unbelievable. But - remember Bill Gates’ Event 201? This was all according to plan.

Even though the rich Elites created a virus that can kill us, the number of deaths were unspectacular. They tried to compare it to the Spanish Flu, but it was nowhere close. They needed to change the definition of “Pandemic” to be able to use that in their fear campaign. There was no more deaths in 2020 than in other years. The world population actually increased. And the ICU admissions in Ontario were at a five year low. Ontario Hospitals were not overwhelmed, but rather ran at 95% capacity instead of the 110% capacity they normally are (due to lack of resources). Temporary Hospitals were set up in Canada and the US, but they were never used. More people were dying in 2021, but that was due to delays in medical care/screenings, vaccine injuries, and suicides. The hysteria around Covid was mostly propaganda and hype. But the people bought it.

Withholding Medical Treatment and Killing Canadians

Almost from the start of the Covid outbreak, life saving therapeutics were available to treat people with Covid. But oddly, these cheap, readily available drugs, that have been on the market for 50 years, were demonized and banned. Even if you could get a prescription, often the pharmacists would refuse to fill it. One researcher wrote a paper stating the Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) was killing people with Covid. This was widely published and broadcast thru all the news channels. A few months later this research was found to be a complete fraud. 

Denying patients hydroxychloroquine was premeditated murder.

December 13, 2017 Pharmaceutical Billionaires, Barry and Honey Sherman were murdered in Toronto. They were found tied up in their pool house dead of gunshots. The company they owned produced Hydroxychloroquine. The murders were never solved.

In December 2020 the second largest factory producing Hydroxychloroquine was blown up in Taiwan.

In Australia, Doctors are fined $13,000 and face losing their licence if they prescribed Hydroxychloroquine. 

The drug is widely available, perfectly safe like aspirin, and very cheap. Africa uses the drug regularly to prevent Malaria (have you heard about any serious Covid outbreaks in Africa lately?). India also distributed HCQ to it’s people instead of expensive vaccines. What ever happened to that big Covid outbreak in India? Crickets?

Taiwan Pharma Factory December 2020

Another readily available drug to treat Covid is Ivermectin - a Nobel Prize Winning Drug. It has a long safety record and is cheap. There are many (hundreds) of peer reviewed papers on it’s effectiveness in treating Covid Symptoms. Ivermectin is also banned for Covid use. Many of us are sourcing Ivermectin from Feed Stores, as it is available for horses and cows. We just need to take the human dose.

Centralized medicine has produced centralized medical protocol. When a patient goes into Hospital because Covid has caused difficulty breathing, they are put on a ventilator, sedated and often prescribed the drug Remdesivir. This was because the Hospitals were mandated this protocol from governing bodies. Unfortunately, this is another WHO/CDC crime. Remdesivir was a drug that failed it’s drug trials in years past. It caused Kidney failure in 50% of its subjects and was found to cause more harm than the disease it was treating. The NIH, WHO and CDC decided to put that drug on the market to treat Covid under “emergency use measures”.  It was the mandated drug to treat Covid while the other drugs were banned. Unfortunately it took already weakened patients, shut-down their kidneys, and caused their lungs to fill with fluid. A drowning death; not a Covid death. I don’t think this was done as much in Canada, but people in the US have to fight to make sure they are not using this drug on family and friends. To get access to safe therapeutical, they are resorting to legal action. In one recent case a judge ordered the hospital to administer Ivermectin, as the family demanded, to a dying family member. The Hospital gave this man no hope. But in three days he walked out of the Hospital.


The rich Global Elites created a virus as a bioweapon. But it was likely that they also possessed the antidote. Enter the Vaccines. 

Trump’s team somehow got Big Pharma to release their vaccines. We are not sure how. But it is speculated that Covid was intended to disrupt the Western World for many years before they would release an antidote to it. 

Unfortunately it wasn’t a good antidote. Also It’s purpose was not so much for your health, or even for profit,  but outweighed by more sinister reasons.

The mRNA technology is not actually a vaccination. Websters Dictionary and the CDC actually changed their definition of vaccine so that the mRNA drugs could be included. The mRNA drugs could not be patented as a vaccine, because they did not meet the legal or medical definition of vaccine.

At best, the mRNA drugs work as a therapeutic drug. They seem to highten your immune system to a certain Spike Protein infection, but only for a few months. They also, as the manufacturers admit, do not stop infection. And they do not stop the spread. Ultimately their stated purpose was to prevent serious Covid cases and ease the load on Hospitals. However, it is now apparent that triple vaccinated people are still getting serious Covid and they are still being Hospitalized. The latest outbreak is showing more vaccinated people in Hospital than unvaccinated. And the case numbers in vaccinated are skyrocketing. Places like Israel who are on their fourth booster and almost fully vaccinated, are having huge outbreaks of Covid.

From my friend Mel, highlighting Dr. Shankara Chetty: “a) the so-called mRNA 'vaccines' were developed - by way of computer simulation - from a sequence uploaded to/ downloaded from a public database from a source in China and in no way represent a viral spread protection mechanism (per traditional vaccines);  b) as proven by the most recent statistics, inoculation of one (1), two (2), three (3), or four (4) rounds of mRNA or viral vector therapeutics do not / DO NOT result in protection from C-19 illness, in fact the greater number of infections in the UK, South Africa, Israel, etc are in the previously inoculated; c) there have been hundreds of thousands of adverse reactions globally resulting in myocarditis, thrombocytopenia, pericarditis, etc, but these are the 'tip of the iceberg' compared to future harm;  d) because, following inoculation, both the viral vector and mRNA therapeutics are absorbed by a body's cellular structure, the future harm will most likely be in the form of auto-immune responses triggering one or many of a plethora of auto-immune diseases, dormant cancers, heart failures, kidney failures, etc.”

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), is reporting huge numbers of vaccine injury and death in America. In Canada we have thousands of Serious Vaccine Adverse Effects reported; including deaths (Canada hides the deaths in the “Serious” number, but it is most likely a couple thousand deaths). The USA is showing over 20,000 people died from the vaccine. And this number is said to be grossly under-reported. The Vaccine Injuries in the US are in the hundreds of thousands. In Australia, they did a mass vaccination of teenage children. The parents were not allowed into the facility where they injected 20,000 children in a day. Three parents were left out in the parking lot after the event, because their children died. But 3 in 20,000 is pretty good odds at only 0.02% of the healthy kids. The Internet is full of horror stories from individuals affected by the vaccines (however they are quickly deleted almost as fast as they go up). The Main Stream News never reports on the VAERS data.

More people have been killed by these new mRNA vaccines than have been killed by all vaccines combined in the last 30 years. Children have a 20x higher probability of dying from the Vaccine, than from Covid. Instead of pulling them from the market, we double down and inject even more. Even add four month boosters??? 

I personally know one friend who died from the vaccines, and two friends who have family members who died from the vaccine. One was a 35 year old woman in perfect health who died of a heart attack just days after the shot. I have two friends who were seriously injured by the vaccine, all in a day or two after the shot. (Internal Bleeding + months in hospital, and Inflamed heart arteries). I have one friend who contracted BellsPallsy.

Even with the huge risks, now they are coming after our children with these experimental drugs; even though Children are at insignificant risk from Covid. Someone once told me, the children need to be vaccinated because they were the cause of the vaccinated adults getting sick. How twisted is that? Child abuse?

Now Bill Gates is an interesting fellow. On the one hand people look at him as a philanthropist (He is not. His Foundation is for tax avoidance. If he was into charity, he would have released his vaccine patents for the greater good........) On the other hand, he comes from a family of Eugenicists, and he has openly claimed, just a few years ago, he plans to use Vaccines to lower the world’s population. Bill’s Dad was a founder and head of Planned Parenthood (Abortion is the leading cause of death, by far, in the world).

Bill Gates was not some young computer programmer writing code in his garage who just happened to get lucky and strike it rich. He comes from a highly connected family whose circle of friends includes the rich Global Elites like the Rockefellers and Rothchilds. His mother (said to be related to Robert and Guislain Maxwell - co-accused in the Epstein Trials), was a lawyer who got Bill the lucrative software deal with IBM. The family bought an operating system and sold it to IBM for huge gains. Bill does not write his own programs. He steals them from others. His software, interestingly, was also known to be plagued by viruses. Some people speculate that Bill was responsible for the viruses so that he could sell the software to prevent them.

Lately, Bill Gates has sold his interest in Big Tech and has switched his focus to Big Pharma. He is big on producing vaccines, funding research, funding governing bodies, testing vaccines on poor Africans, creating lethal viruses, and, as mentioned, is a big proponent of Population Reduction. Bill owns patents on Corona Viruses as well as Vaccines. He also owns patent 060606. “On March 26, 2020 patent WO/2020/060606 was published. It is a patent for cryptocurrency technology that is connected to the movements of a person’s body…”

Bill Gates’ latest project is to combat Global Warming by distributing clouds of chalk into our atmosphere to help block out the sun. This project has recently been put on hold for now. It probably pissed off his solar energy buddies?

The Real Reasons for the Vaccines?

Why is there such desperation to get every person on the globe vaccinated; especially with an experimental drug that does not stop the spread of Covid or prevent people from catching it? We have never seen anything like this. The only thing they have not tried yet is sending the military down driveways to pin people down for an injection. 

Interestingly, some governments are now stopping listing unvaxd versus vaxd stats from the hospitals.

I do not know why they are so desperate to vaccinate everyone. Seems on the verge of panic. They will not even take into account people’s individual medical situations. Like a pregnant woman (forced vaccination with no studies). Or myself with a weakened lymphatic system (forced vaccination even with known lymphatic side effect risks).


I have two theories: Passports and Biometrics. 

In Canadian society, we are now showing medical papers to guards at the door of restaurants if we want to eat there. Those of us without the correct papers are banned; despite several significant laws that are being broken (including the Constitution). Even to watch my son play hockey, I now must provide medical papers to a guard at the door. Some may draw parallels to 1930s Germany, but I don’t think we really need to. From  the point of view of the rich Global Elite, it is very convenient to have people used to using an official passport to access services, employment, or commerce. It is a gateway to the Global Digital Currency they plan. Everyone will need a valid ID to participate. (Did you really think the new Passports were temporary?). Better yet, as well as Monetary Control, the new IDs can include social credit scores, and carbon credits. (You think there are laws against that? I think there was laws against that.)

In Western Africa, Bill Gates is once again experimenting on poor Africans. He has teamed up with MasterCard for a pilot project involving Biometric ID. Gates is using Vaccines to utilize a person’s unique DNA code as a biological identifier. This is not an embedded microchip. This is a Vaccine, integral with your body, and irreversible. 

Poor Africans are said to be too stupid to keep track of their vaccination records. Once they get the Identifying vaccine, they simply walk by a computer that automatically looks up the vaccine record for that person’s DNA Identifier. 

Mastercard is in Africa doing the same thing. Instead of Africans needing to bother carrying around money, their Identifier Vaccine registers the DNA Identification at the cash register, and the money for purchase is withdrawn from the account that automatically is called up by the computer.

Very convenient.

Tony Blair, ex PM of UK, has been making the rounds pushing Biometric ID - for vax passport and to access governmnet services.

Revelations 13:17

“ And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name.”

(See links to African trial project below).

Now the new mRNA drugs (“Vaccines”), have many secret chemicals in them (very hidden due to the “emergency use” authorization) Researchers have been hard at work trying to figure out what is in these mRNA drugs and what do they do.

Many people who got injected noticed that their injection site was magnetic. They could stick metal to their arms. Odd. Some of the vaccines contain magnetized metallic particles. Not sure why?

The biggest ingredient of the mRNA vaccines is Graphene Oxide. It is a toxic substance. It is also a very good conductor of electricity. I suppose that is how computers are able to read the bodies of those poor Africans? Various metals are also contained in the vaccines. Some people say there are micro parasites in the Vaccines?

Another interesting substance found in some of the mRNA drugs is Luciferase - Luciferase is a class of oxidative enzymes  that produce bioluminescence. The name is derived from the Latin word lucifer, meaning "lightbearer", which in turn is derived from the Latin words for "light" (lux) and "to bring or carry" (ferre). Apparently this stuff emits light. Odd.

I hope people will begin to realize that they are not injecting themselves with traditional vaccines. What they are injecting themselves with is very new experimental gene therapy drugs, highly risky, that contain very strange secret ingredients.  I hope that one day the people who fraudulently labeled these drugs as vaccines, are brought to justice.

More oddly still, the new “vaccines” do not seem to work very well. Israel is the most advanced country in terms of vaccinations. They are already administering their fourth shot in less than a year. However, they are seeing huge out-breaks of Covid. The same in a number of other countries. In North America, mild Covid seems to be sweeping the vaccinated population. Even the triple vaxd. Hospitalizations are rising amongst the vaccinated (more than the unvaxd).

What kind of vaccine needs a booster every four months? What kind of vaccine doesn’t prevent infection? What kind of vaccine doesn’t stop the spread? Hint - they are not Vaccines.

Right now we have fully vaccinated groups of people, sitting in sports arenas, still wearing a mask over their face???

Yet there are other places in the world with little vaccination, or limited restrictions to freedom, that are doing far better than the countries with the high vaccination rates. 

Unfortunately, Bill Gates is now warning us about a “Smallpox Pandemic”. Meanwhile, Klaus Schwab  is warning us about an imminent “Cyber Attack that will make the Covid Pandemic look like Child’s play”.   (These people generally tell us what they are going to do before they do it. Oddly.) Who knows what our future will now bring.

Nuremberg II

The one thing that would have protected us all over the last few years is our Canadian Constitution. Never once was our Constitution overturned in favour of the Emergencies Measures Act (War Measures Act). To do so would have required the government to pass several very strict tests. They, of course, could not have done that. And the Constitution remains the highest law in our Country. It can not be infringed.

However, fear is a powerful thing. Canadians willingly gave up their Constitutional Rights; just because the Government Health Authorities said so. The Canadian people also formed a mob mentality and ripped apart everyones Rights and Freedoms, wether they willfully gave them up or not. And now these people are after the Children. Personal Fear trumping the lives of Children; with complete disregard. People’s fear trumped all else. Even to the detriment of friends and family. And our Constitution is rendered as useful as toilet paper. So now what for our future?

We must remember: For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

I’d like to emphasize “”Sound Mind”” from the above scripture. It is God given.

When medical Doctors and Nurses were fired because they did not want to take an illegally mandated experimental drug; a drug that they obviously knew the high risks of, Canadian people actually cheered their dismissals. People actually said those medical professionals were stupid and deserved to be fired from their careers (and they had often just spent the last yr treating Covid patients (and vaccine injury patients)). .......

Our society is under attack. The ruling Elites and Political Masters have sought to divide us. 

Vaccinated and Unvaccinated is now a huge divide in our society; even splitting families. How many filthy “”unvaxd”” didn’t get invited for family Christmas Dinner this year? I know many. 

The News Media has tried hard to stir up racial divide in our countries. They support the Black Lives Matter movement, while BLM is a Marxist organization bent on civil disruption; not about equality. Trudeau breaks his own Covid Restrictions to attend BLM protests while arresting people attending Freedom Protests or going to Church. Trudeau and Freeland are running around touting White Supremacy and Domestic Terrorism as the biggest threat to Canada. Oddly there are currently no white supremacist groups listed on Canada’s Terrorist Watch List. Of course, Canada is the most diverse and tolerant country in the world. What is this all about? Divide by race. Divide by gender. Divide by religion. Divide by Vaccination Status. Divide.

Since the last election, bought and paid for imbecile, Justin Trudeau has been pushing Hate Speech against the Unvaxd. That was his campaign strategy. He also used a fake discovery of  “Mass Graves of Children” at Residential Schools (they were known Cemeteries where headstones were deteriorated and missing). Even though it was his father who oversaw the Residential School Injustice, Trudeau used this to call Canadians Racist and stir up hatred against White European Settlers and the Churches. Many Churches were vandalized or burned down as a result; with the police doing nothing. He also ordered the Canadian Flag to remain at half mast indefinitely (not raised until Remembrance Day). A violation of Flag Protocol, but a method to shame Canadians. Recently Trudeau said this in a TV Interview "There are also people who are fiercely opposed to vaccination who don't believe in science, who are often misogynistic, often racist as well." - J. Trudeau. What does that even mean, other than mindless hate?

I note that Canada is a signatory of the Nuremberg Code. It was put into place after WW2 to prevent the things that are happening in our society today. Interestingly, the maximum penalty for forcing experimental drugs into people is death. And I expect several of our leaders to get the death penalty once we turn this war around. I also personally have a vendetta against the minor hockey organizers who coerced so many of our young people to get the experimental injections, just for the ability to continue to play hockey. I think people like these are some of the worst humans ever. These people are already being served with a class action lawsuit. And they can not claim ignorance, because they were notified in writing of all the laws that they were breaking in their actions against our children. 

“The great strength of the totalitarian state is that it forces those who fear it to imitate it.” A.H. the 1930s German Leader

“What luck for the Rulers that men do not think”. A.H. the 1930s German Leader

“With our modern weapons of war, it is easy to destroy a Nation. But. By their own free-will, the people destroyed themselves. And the Devil sat back, and was pleased.” S.K.

One day many people will hang their heads in shame when they realize the evil they defended and they heroes they ridiculed.

Two years in, and we are still pretending The Great Reset is a global pandemic.

But - it is not too late to counter the evil that is afflicting us. We can still save Wester Society. People need to wake up to the truth. The people need to rise up against their governments, and the big corporations. Our leaders should not be able to walk down the streets. It is time for We The People to take back Our Countries, and Our Governments.

People also need to find God. Our Churches have sadly been emptied thanks to Fear of Covid and Fear of Government. But they need to be bursting. God must be put back into prominence in our society. Our direction shall be from Him, and not from man. God is our only way out of this. In the end, God Wins!

In the coming months you will see some wild information coming to the forefront. As I am writing this, there is a guilty verdict in the Epstein/Maxwell Child Sex Trafficking scandal. This implicates some very big names as pedophiles and child abusers; including Bill Clinton, Prince Philips, and Bill Gates. These people and more were most likely blackmailed by Maxwell’s Spy Network (Mossad).

The good news is there is a small offensive working against the evils that we are facing. But the reality is, we will lose if people do not wake up to reality, and turn back to God. 

Prepare yourselves for great disruptions in your lives. Stock up. Buy some gold. Be prepared for economic collapse. Changes to the monetary system. Government persecution. Food shortages. Power grid interruptions. Information Blackouts. Fuel shortages. Sickness. Elimination of social services. Persecution of Church. Etc. 

Praying that the forces of Good, acting under God, will be successful at stopping what is taking place.

  • use Duckduckgo.com for searches and stay far away from Google and Yahoo. Also stay away from Main Stream News Media, and Fact-Checkers. For video, stay away from YouTube and use BitChute or Rumble. Most of all, employ rational thought and use your judgement.

Below are some interesting and helpful links.

Katherine Austin-Fitts



30 Facts you need to know about Covid.

30 facts you NEED to know: Your Covid Cribsheet

Gates, Mastercard & GAVI to use Africa to Beta Test Vaccine


Ex Pfizer VP files International Lawsuit for Crimes Against Humanity


Mass Psychosis — How an Entire Population Becomes Mentally Ill


Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats.


The Vaccine Narrative of Lies


Dr. Shankara Chetty Explains How The Bioweapon Plot Will Poison And Mass Murder Most Of Humanity!


The Sequel to The Fall of The Cabal By Janet Ossebaard and Cyntha Koeter

Janet is a fabulous Dutch Woman that has done incredible research, and produced awesome videos, to expose the evil and corruption in our World. This is a great series, well worth the time watching.

Who Is the Cabal

These Videos Will Give You Info That Will Blow You Off Your Socks. Crime, Murder, Money Laundering, Cartels, High Treason, All of Which Under Your Noise...

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3

Part 4   Part 5   Part 6

Part 7   Part 8   Part 9

Part 10   Part 11   Part 12

Part 13   Part 14   Part 15

Part 16   Part 17   Part 18

Part 19   Part 20 *(New)

Interview With Joe Rogan: Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, is a board-certified cardiologist who has testified before committees of the US and Texas Senate regarding the treatment of COVID.


Masks: The Characteristics of an Initiation Ritual




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