The World Monetary Battle.
An Excerpt from A Grave Warning. The New World Order.
What is happening to our society today is not because of Covid, and not because of Global Warming, and not because of Refugee Crisis, and not because of Supply Chain Crisis. These are merely weapons being used against us.
To better understand our hidden enemies, we can look back at History: Germany was broke and in despair after the First World War. In just a few short years after, how did Hitler fund the most amazing army the world had ever seen? Where did he get the money? Why did his Tanks have Ford Engines? Why did Main Stream Media, like Time Magazine, praise Hitler (they voted him Man of The Year)? Why did Jewish Owned Newspapers downplay or ignore the Holocaust of their own people (Like the NY Times)?
The rich elite families who funded and supported Hitler, are the same families that exist today. And they, as they did back then, control the World Monetary Supply. They are the same families that control the News Media. Control the Politicians. Control the Judiciary. It has been 80 years since the end of the Second World War, when the rich Global Elites used Hitler to attempt Global Fascism. But - did the war really end? The CIA gave plenty of Nazi Leaders and Scientists new identity and settled them in America. One of the most influential rich global elite is George Soros (92yrs old), a former WW2 Nazi, who has his fingers on many politicians and judges; including Trudeau and Freeland in Canada. None of the families who funded Hitler ever saw prosecution.
Power = Money
The turmoil that exists in the world right now, economically, socially, and medically, revolves around Central Banking and the Global Monetary Supply. There is a fight for power. A No-Holds-Barred fight for power.
Everything is about “””Central Banking”””!
Have you noticed that Western Governments around the world no longer care how much money they spend? No longer care how big their debts and deficits are? No longer care how much money they individually print for their countries? They are unconcerned of the inflation they are causing. They do not speak of the personal wealth erosion they cause. Or that we are currently witnessing the biggest transfer of wealth in history from the middle class to Rich Elites. Have you seen any of that in the news lately? (Note: both Covid and Global Warming has given politicians a convenient excuse)
The Reserve Currency of the World is the USA Dollar. Most other currencies are tied to the US dollar. The US Dollar is a “Federal Reserve Note”. It signifies a debt to the “Private” Federal Reserve. (Yes - “Private” Bank. It is owned by approximately thirteen very wealthy families.) The Private Federal Reserve prints money and gives that to governments while charging the governments interest for the money. It is a Fiat Monetary System that is no longer tied to gold or anything else tangible. The US dollar is loosely tied to the oil commodity and oil trading is a means of distributing the US dollar to the world. The Federal Reserve acts in cooperation with the Middle East Oil Powers, and ALL oil is traded in US Dollars. (If a country tries to trade oil for something else, like gold for instance, they end up like Gaddafi and Libya, which have been completely destroyed by the US. Or like Syria. Or like Iraq. Etc.). In return for Middle East Cooperation, the US Government supplies military support to Middle Eastern Nations; explaining the perpetual wars in the Middle East, and the huge number of US Military bases there.
Translation: (Latin) “One from many. He approves of our undertakings. A New Order of The Ages.” (“He”, the all-seeing eye, is not to represent God btw. But who?)
A Fiat Monetary System is a house of cards. At some point the levels of debt get unsustainable and the system will crash. There is nothing to back it up. It relies on the perception of stability. A typical Fiat Cycle is 60 to 80 years. Currently we are at the end of this cycle. The Fiat System must be replaced with something else. It is about to implode.
The New World Order
Enter - “The Great Reset”. Politicians around the world and World Economic Forum leader Klaus Schwab (a Rothchild) have been pushing “The Great Reset” for years now. They say “Covid has provided a Unique Opportunity to build the economy back better”. Also “To combat Global Warming, we must make major changes to all the World Economies”. Klaus Schwab has written a book on the subject. It is the main topic at the Annual World Economic Forum. The future of our economies as envisioned by the most powerful people in the world has not been a secret. Most people simply ignore the draconian plans they have for us. (The Plan: One World Government, Central Digital Currency, Open Borders, and Fascism). Remember when Trudeau talked about Canada as a “Post-Nation State”? He said Canada has no identity. The New World Order was what he was referring to. That idiot believes Canada is the model country for the NWO.
The Great Reset is not some far off fantasy. It is developing right now; with full implementation by 2030. Look up United Nations Agenda 2030.
The Great Reset is also referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In Canada, Elite Central Banker, Mark Carney, is posed to play an important role in our direction (Maybe the next PM?). Carney has been a proponent of the “Great Reset” which says that the crisis caused by COVID pandemic provides a once in a life time opportunity to not just regulate climate but to provide a more diverse and inclusive world. Carney draws his inspiration from, among others, Marx, Engels, Lenin (surely this is a concern!) However, Carney acknowledges that the lives of ordinary people will be actually worse under the fourth industrial revolution. Carney is a Central Banker who is anti-capitalism, and blames the evils of capitalism for climate change (at least publicly, but probably not, of course, in practice.)
A new World Monetary System is a necessity as our old Central Banking System is rapidly failing. The conflict is:
What will it be?
And who will control it?
Currently the options are:
- Central Bank Digital World Currency
- Gold and Silver
- Decentralized Crypto Currency
Central Bankers and the Elite Ruling Class Families MUST implement a Central Digital Currency if they are to maintain their power. And with a Digital Currency that they control, they will have complete power over every person on the planet. Digitally they will track and control every purchase you make, the access to your bank account, and the ability to even participate in commerce. Today we see governments trying to impose unconstitutional fines on citizens for things like leaving their homes while under Covid Curfews. With a digital currency they will simply instantaneously withdraw the fine from your bank accounts. And they will automatically be notified when you leave your home (and you can’t just leave your phone behind, because the phone will not be your chain). Some may say, there are laws for that. I say “there used to be laws for that”.
Gaddafi in Libya tried to break the chains of the Central Banking Cartel and switch his economy to a Gold Backed system, free of the Central Banks. The US killed Gaddafi, demonized him, stole all the gold, and destroyed the country. Libya is now the gateway of the refugee crisis, full of criminal syndicates, leaderless, impoverished, and the hub of the Human Slave Trade.
Global Monetary Trader, and International Crook, George Soros stated that China will play an important role in a new world economy. It should be obvious to many that the Rich Elites have been, for years, priming China as their next base of operations. China is already conveniently Communist. And this would allow the Elites to simply destroy the USA, and start over in a country where the people are used to not being free.
How will the Global Elite Bankers implement a One World Digital Currency? Simple. Debt Forgiveness. They intend to crash our economies, use hyper inflation to eliminate wealth, and raise interest rates. People will not be able to service the mountainous debt most of us are under. Regardless, every country now has huge debt obligations. Even a small rise in interest will result in most tax revenue being used to support the interest payments. The economy will be in such a shambles; the people’s situations so dire, the Elite Central Bankers will simply walk in like a saviour and offer their new monetary system. And people will be glad to have it. Debt forgiveness in exchange for One World Government, and a Global Digital Currency. As Klaus Schwab says “You will own nothing, and you will be happy abut that.”
The biggest threat to the Central Banks today is Crypto Currency. It is a digital currency that is de-centralized and relies on Block-Chain Technology to provide a secure and completely independent trading platform. Crypto Currency is controlled by nobody. It is truly the currency of the people. And it allows for pure capitalism (the trading system of the people).
And there we have the root of the Global Civil War.
In summary - the people are rising against the rich Ruling Class Elites with their own currency, and also, thanks to social media, with their own ability to produce news, information, and entertainment.
Ronald Reagan: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children what it was once like in the United States when men were free.”
Good post - come by my website and let's talk about it on my podcast if you're able.